Wednesday 26 November 2008

Porsche: vendite in calo

Outlook: Porsche also affected by the general downward trend

Porsche Automobil Holding SE expects a significant drop in sales in the current business year 2008/09. The signs of a severe decrease in demand in the automotive industry are unmistakable the world over, and it is virtually impossible to calculate further developments particularly in the USA, Porsche's largest single market.

Porsche will hardly be able to escape this downward trend, so that currently we do not assume that we will be able to repead the high total sales of the previos business year. This is indeed borne out by revenue and sales figures in the current business year from 1 August to mid-November 2008, which indicate that turnover in the first four months of the business year 2008/09, that is up to 30 November 2008, will be slightly above two billion Euro following 2.36 billion Euro in the same period last year. Sales show a similar development, amounting to 25,200 units after 30,700 units year-on-year. The exact figures for the first four months will be published by Porsche in the Interim Report due in mid-December 2008.

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